January Birthday Girl - Victoria

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Thursday, October 22, 2009


何谓生日? 生日就是从母腹出来的那一天,就定为你的生日。 母亲辛苦怀胎9月,经历千辛万苦的痛楚,那是男人无法理解的痛,犹如从鬼门关走一圈回来,才能生出健康可爱的小宝宝。母亲用她自己的生命来得到天国所给的产业,所以生日是值得纪念的。没有母亲,就没有我。

圣诞节(神圣诞生的节日)是纪念主耶稣降生的日子,普天为他同庆。没有耶稣,也没有我们世上每一个人。让我们来数算马来西亚的公共假期,共有17 天,有5 天是生日的假期,那就是Birthday of Nabi Muhammad S.A.W, Wesak Day, Birthday of SPB YDP Agong, Birthday of TYT Sarawak, and Christmas Day. 生日是庆祝一个生命的诞生,是一个欢喜的日子。许多人们也特别看重小孩的周岁生日以及老人家作大寿。我们一生的年岁,都由不得我们所控制,能活的每一天,都是上帝的祝福。

今天,我很开心,还没上班之前,就收到朋友sms 的祝福。打开email,也收到几个朋友的贺词。不久,老板递了一份生日礼物给我。 午餐时间,有一帮好姐妹为我庆祝生日,我们去吃寿司大餐,真是令我垂涎三尺,好好吃哦!!! 寿司好新鲜,好多选择。特此,感谢慧菊,为我们先去霸位,我们才能安心的吃寿司。哈哈。。。 为了回馈我的这帮好姐妹,我请回她们吃Dessert 冰淇淋。Yummy!!!

朋友,谢谢你们纪念我的生日,我很感动到快要哭了!(有谁感动给我一包纸巾擦眼泪?)哈哈。。。。。。 过去,我有不愉快的生日经验,有个自私的人,在我的生命中,蒙上了污点,磨灭不去。朋友,谢谢你们的陪伴,让我过一个难忘的生日。特此,放上部落格,以示谢意。

Birthday present from the company

Photo frame and the birthday card

The blueberry cheese cake. Yummy!!!

Sushi King offer. Luckily, today is the last day offer. I have the chance to eat as much as I can. Haha...


请看我们的战利品,吃了快要40 碟的寿司!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Wesley 2 Years old

18 Oct, 2009 (Sunday) is Wesley 2 years old birthday. After attended the Sunday Service, we went to the Taipei 101 for birthday lunch. Thanks to Agnes's family and Siew Yieng's family for coming to celebrate Wesley birthday.

A delicious Green Tea Red Bean Cake. Yummy!!!

Wesley:“Thanks for the Birthday Greeting.”

A birthday present from Grandmom.

Victoria 把Wesley 的礼物占为己有。

End up Wesley ride the baby walker.

Wesley 懂得戴上安全‘头盔’,驾他的玩具车。

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Children's Portrait shots by Edwin Lay

Today, I'm happy to receive Edwin Lay's call. He informed me that the photos can be viewed and asking me to choose the photos to be developed. He sent the softcopy to my email address. After I viewed, I decided to choose all of them but I'm still feel like the photo shootings not enough.

The photos were taken on the Poppies Precious Little Ones Fair at 2pm on 11th Oct, 2009. Poppies offer one free 5R children portrait for Poppies members!! If develop extra photos, I just need to pay RM5 per photo.

Feel free to leave any good or bad comment about the photos. Thanks.

Wesley has a bad looking with his injured right eye.


I like this one very much. Charles's smile is so sweet. But I'm not satisfy because only one photoshooting for Charles only.

Monday, October 12, 2009

BAU 迷你动物园一游

9月19日,经慧菊的邀请,我带着Wesley 和 Victoria 参加主恩堂的主日学举办的Bau Mini Zoo 半日游。那里风景优美,空气清新,又能观赏奇珍异兽, 真享受上帝创造的大自然。 我好久没与大自然接触,虽然带着两个孩子有点累,但是我很享受上帝创造的美好。另外一个目的是,多让Wesley 参与人群中,希望能促进他的‘社交’,不怕人。



左边的Hush Puppies 很喜欢嗅慧菊的女人味,哈哈!

右边的许如辉传道帮忙抱Victoria,因为Victoria 很怕狗。


Victoria 和嘉莉老师很开心作V手势,从此之后,Victoria 习惯伸出V手势来拍照。


这只Hush Puppies 是我们的守护狗,从头跟到尾,害得我两个孩子怕到总是吵着要人抱,也害得我和其他临时保姆,差点累垮。
