January Birthday Girl - Victoria

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Thursday, January 20, 2011



在Spring Mall 玩彩色沙,就让Victoria 选大张的图片,Wesley 也因她得其利。然后,还有可爱气球可以拿。

后来在Poppies 的时候,吵着要买玩具,就买了她最喜爱的王子和公主的玩具 - 美人鱼。

Victoria 今年的生日主题,就是美人鱼


这位男士是这新家的主人。因他娶了干妈为妻,自然而然的也成了干爹,他也多了一个干女儿。 谢谢他免费借用他新家的场地,给Victoria 庆祝生日。 哈哈。。。

Victoria 收到Deron 和Jeslyn 的礼物 ,开心无比。

Thursday, January 13, 2011

The first 'PAU' that I made in my life

Every morning, Kakak helps me to prepare the breastfast like 'roti' for my kids to bring to the school. Last Sunday, she told me the 'roti' has finished and I forgot to buy the 'roti' when I was doing the grocery. Therefore, I decided to make the 'PAU' myself by using the Thermomix which I bought last month.

This is the first time I make the 'PAU' and it is successfully done! My kids like it very much. Those who want to try my 'PAU', let me know. I will try to make for you. Haha...