January Birthday Girl - Victoria

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Thursday, June 11, 2009


现时我在父母亲的新家(在诗巫)做月子。有空闲的时间,就想到写到。有一天,父亲走进我的房间问我还有收集邮票么。我回答有。 其实,自从我结婚过后,就没有收集邮票了,原因:
1) 没有邮票来源。
2) 有了孩子,更没有时间收集或整理邮票。

我何时开始收集邮票呢?还记得当时我读小学的时候,我的三姐送给我一本小小的邮票簿,因而开始我的爱好。 我的邮票来源是来自:
1) 爸爸所收到的信。
2) 跟朋友交换邮票。
3) 去邮票展买邮票。
4) 跟朋友写信。
5) 去诗巫关怀中心买邮票。

前天,我爸爸就递给我一包的邮票,那是他帮我收集的。 自从我离开诗巫去古晋谋生,他老人家一直以来都在帮我收集邮票,从不间断,因为他知道那是我从小的爱好,我真的好感动。爸爸的付出,我铭记于心。

反观我身边最亲近的人,从来都不知道我喜欢集邮。我曾经告诉过他,可是他从来没把我的话放在心上,也从来没有用耳朵去听, 所以他不曾帮我收集过半张邮票。所以说,最亲近的人,都不能跟亲父母比,甚至朋友。由此可见,谁是真正爱我的人。父母爱我,但我知道上帝更爱我。


No Body said...

your hobby same as my hubby.. haha.. his stamp collection still keep well in his drawer.. he also like you no longer continue the activity but the old one still keep in good condition..

i think my fate same as you don have very "体贴&细心" partner.. haha..

贤惠 said...

I think your partner is better than my partner. At least he gave you surprise on your birthday. I never have surprise from him.

Chrysan said...

surprise that, you still like to collect postcard... for me... it was my PRIMARY school hobby !!!

But i believe these stamps will be very valuable !! bcos nowadays, most of the ppl don't use snail mail anymore !!

Keep it up !!